- S-MIP-19-4 Structural phases and dynamic effects in novel hybrid perovskite materials for future solar cells, project supervisor – prof. Robertas Grigalaitis, 2019-2022, 150 000 Eur.
- LMT, S-LLT-20-4 Investigation and optimization of cutting-edge lead-free PMUT platform: from materials to devices, project supervisor – dr. Šarūnas Svirskas, 2020-2023, 225 000 USD.
Lithuania-France (Gilibert). P-LZ-21-3 Hybrid gels for electromagnetic applications. Project supervisor – dr. Jan Macutkevič, 2021–2022, 8760 EUR.
- Lithuania-Latvia-China (Taiwan). Environmentally friendly synthesis of metal-organic frameworks for enzyme encapsulation and energy harvesting. Project supervisor – dr. Martynas Kinka, 2021- 2023, 56250 EUR.